Happy Birthday To Me, I’m 39

Another birthday in which I was too busy to write on my blog. This time busy with good things – my birthday was on Saturday and my girlfriend organized a great trip to the desert, which included a picnic on the edge of a rock with a great view to the dead sea.

As I traditionally do, here’s a short look back at the past year:

  • The previous romance ended and a new one started. I’m again very happy :)
  • I went to 4 Prodigy shows (#17 and #18, #19, #20.) Always a good thing. And I already booked the next one.
  • I made some changes to my diet. I actually made some more since. I should write about those too.
  • It’s also been one year working at E8 Storage (the website will be updated soon) and I’m very happy there. A job that you actually like cannot be overrated.

To sum up, life has been kind to me. The dreaded 40 is now less than a year away. I wonder what kind of a midlife crisis I will experience :)

2 Replies to “Happy Birthday To Me, I’m 39”

  1. Wish you a happy BDay and indeed it seems my wishes are coming true :)
    Regarding the site, `Contact Us` is the new `under construction`? ;)
    Curious as to your new Diet. Hope it contains zero animal suffering…
    All the best.

    1. Thanks a lot, man :)
      I can’t wait to tell people about what we do as soon as we’re out of stealth mode.
      My current diet is now mostly vegan, and I’m not even vegetarian (I do eat some meat occasionally). I’ll write about it soon, hopefully.

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