Last year they let some kids play old, classic, games. Their reactions to the games were hilarious. So hilarious, actually, that they repeated this with different games again this year (and got an equally funny result). (via The Old New Thing)
5 Replies to “What Today’s Kids Think About Old Games”
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My favorite old game is Wonder Boy (Sega Arcades, available on MAME). This was my favorite game since I was 10 years old, and it’s the best game ever, and I didn’t finish it until I was 25.
What’s yours ?
Where did you play it when you were 25? Online?
Since I’m a competitive person, I must say that my favorite childhood game was Arkanoid, since I finished it (until today I remember it had 33 levels. Last one was The Boss)
I remember Arkanoid.
You mean it is your favorite because you finished it ?
I guess Wonder Boy has stayed my favorite because I didn’t finish it for all those years… :)
When I was 25 I played it on MAME.
Arkanoid sucks
Wonder Boy rules
Hehe… right, I forgot about MAME.
By the way, after years of not playing any modern game, I’m thinking of buying the new Sam & Max (the first adventure game divided into episodes):
Yeah, I remember the original, It’s a good one.