5 Replies to “What Today’s Kids Think About Old Games”

  1. Guyz,
    My favorite old game is Wonder Boy (Sega Arcades, available on MAME). This was my favorite game since I was 10 years old, and it’s the best game ever, and I didn’t finish it until I was 25.

    What’s yours ?

  2. Where did you play it when you were 25? Online?

    Since I’m a competitive person, I must say that my favorite childhood game was Arkanoid, since I finished it (until today I remember it had 33 levels. Last one was The Boss)

  3. I remember Arkanoid.
    You mean it is your favorite because you finished it ?
    I guess Wonder Boy has stayed my favorite because I didn’t finish it for all those years… :)
    When I was 25 I played it on MAME.
    Arkanoid sucks
    Wonder Boy rules

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