I’ve been keeping myself busy lately, the idea being to sulk as little as possible about the girl who didn’t want me. So I’m hardly at home and when I finally get there I’m continuing the big reorg operation, currently focusing on sorting the piles of mail accumulated over more than 2 years.
I’m trying to reduce clutter. I found out that the less things I have at home, the happier I am to be in it. That’s why I’m throwing away a lot of (mostly unused) possessions. But for some things it’s hard to find a place. For example, I have a lot of “souvenirs” (ticket stubs, newspaper clips, pictures) I would like to keep. So I think I’m going to get a nice box and put them all inside, pretty much unsorted.
The same goes for my computers – I’m deleting old files I’ve been keeping around for years, some without any good reason. And just like the physical equivalents, sometimes I don’t know where to put things – in which folder should I place old pictures? Unfinished poems and stories? All kinds of digital souvenirs like email attachments I got? What about the emails themselves? It’s not always easy to sort them out. And in the computer I can’t just throw them in a virtual box (folder) unsorted – that’s where they started in the first place.
When it comes to task management, I started using Gmail’s dead simple Tasks window (here’s how it works). Along with Google Calendar’s SMS reminders (they’re free, by the way) I plan evenings and weekends full of activities. I really want to get to the day when the task list is empty but some of the tasks are scheduled for months ahead, so it might take a while.
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