My 24th Prodigy Show โ€“ Athens, Greece, 21-Jul-2023

Main stage

I was so lucky to be able to attend another Prodigy gig. I never thought this day would come. At first, I didn’t think The Prodigy will be back to perform live after Keith’s death. Then, when they did go back to performing, I never thought I would go again. I felt content with seeing them 23 times.

But as the Athens date was announced, and having some credit with a low-cost airline that flies to Greece, I jumped on the opportunity to go see them for the 24th time along with my friend GL0WKiD, who is a massive fan and an all around great guy. I went with him and a small group of his friends to the show. Having more people always makes the experience better.

The show itself was amazing. The Prodigy still have it in terms of raw energy emanating from the stage and sending the crowd into a frenzy. The new stage design and light show are great. I specifically like them because Liam is now a bit more in the front of the stage and it’s easier to see him work his magic.

Now I want to go again, of course. 25 is a nice number :)

And now to some obligatory videos:

PO-33 “Late”

This is an old track I had on my PO-33 for years. I never got around to getting it out, so here it is.

I recently sold my Deluge because I never got around to learning how to use it properly, and it became more of a burden for me and a disappointment that I wasn’t mastering it as I had hoped.

Maybe I’ll get to more serious music-making in the future through another path. And maybe not. In the meantime I’m enjoying the small music toys I have like the PO-33.

I Work For Amazon (Web Services) Now

The startup I’ve been working for for almost five years, E8 Storage, has been acquired by Amazon. Specifically, by Amazon Web Services. This makes me an Amazon employee.

Working for Amazon Web Services can be hugely impactful, so it will be exciting to make changes to code that runs there. E8 Storage was focused on making extremely performant storage, and I’m sure the team can utilize its skills within Amazon.

Speaking of the team… during my time in E8 Storage I met a lot of great people, all of them extremely smart and talented. Most of them wonderful people, too. It was fun, challenging and enriching to work there.

It will probably take a some time until code I write reaches the cloud but I hope it will do good when it does :)

PO-33 “Beast”

Using only the internal sounds of the PO-33 and some heavy filtering and pitch shifting, I think this turned out well, although not so melodic at times :)

Keith Flint Of The Prodigy Is Dead

It’s been a week since the news broke that Keith Flint, the legendary front man for The Prodigy, took his own life.

I was shocked to hear the news. Couldn’t believe it at first. Then it was confirmed by more and more news outlets and eventually by Liam of The Prodigy on the band’s Instagram account.

On the fan forums people were describing a lot of heartbreak and misery following Keith’s death. Being a big fan of The Prodigy I felt a lot of the same things. The Prodigy have been a part of my life since around 1992 when I first heard them on the radio. I previously wrote about how I started listening to them. In all the years since, The Prodigy were the soundtrack for my life. Every album is linked to a time and a place, every song comes with memories. Like when I handwrote a letter to XL Recordings asking whether there was a fan club I could join for The Prodigy (this was in the pre-Internet era). Or when I repeatedly called the local record store to see if the second album had arrived, then went to get it and just stood in my room listening to it over and over again, so excited. The third album had a midnight launch thing at Tower Records, and this was after the first time I had seen The Prodigy live, so I was again so excited. I also had no way of getting back home, but I didn’t care.

Speaking of that specific first time I saw The Prodigy, it’s also the first time I shook Keith’s hand. It was during the height of The Prodigy’s worldwide popularity. As we were waiting outside the venue, a van stopped and suddenly The Prodigy’s members were coming out of it. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s very irregular for the band to enter the venue through the fan entrance. As Keith was passing by I shouted “Keith!” and he came over, shook my hand and asked me how I was doing. I was stunned and had no words.

The second time I shook Keith’s hand was in 2009. I was waiting for the band to arrive to the venue along with some kids who had framed photos for the band to sign. The bus came around and I got a chance to say a few confused words to Keith while Liam was standing there nodding. Keith was, again, the nicest a man at his position can be.

Also from 2009, here’s my photo very happy after purchasing the album Invaders Must Die in my small room in a Hong Kong hostel:

I still remember walking around the streets of Hong Kong bobbing my head to the music and smiling.

I have many many more memories related to The Prodigy and Keith – dancing to Firestarter in a club in Haifa, dancing in all the living rooms I ever lived in, taking friends with me to shows in Europe and in Israel, bonding over the exhilarating experience that is The Prodigy’s live show. Meeting new people and friends in and around those shows. In total I saw them live 23 times, the majority of those in the past 10 years. The last time was with my wife in Madrid. I’m so glad I had a chance to go with her. Shame I wouldn’t be able to share the experience with our daughter.

The death of Keith is, I’m afraid, also the end for The Prodigy. Even though the music is always what mattered to me with The Prodigy, and even though Liam Howlett – the brain behind the music – is still alive and well, I can’t see how The Prodigy can exist without Keith. It’s always been about the live shows, and without Keith there is no live show.

Keith’s death closes a 30-year long chapter in my life. I’m lucky to have had such a great band as part of my life for so long.

Rest In Peace, Keith.

Happy Birthday To Me, I’m 42

In the last few years since I met my wife, every year something big has happened. That’s good, I think, to have something big happen once a year. Obviously this year (by far) it’s the birth of our (first) daughter. So that’s the big thing for 2018.

In 2017 it was getting married. I didn’t do a birthday post on January 2018 for some reason that I don’t remember at the moment, but I’m sure was very justified.

Anyway, we celebrated my 42nd birthday by going out to nature again, this time with our daughter. It was a lot of relaxed fun. Then we went out to eat and later in the evening we went to see a movie (Instant Family. Not bad.) We haven’t gone to the movies since the birth, so that was a lot of fun – to be out just the two of us.

Unfortunately after the birth I stopped working out (I switched exclusively to swimming because of some pain I had sometime during 2018.) This means I’ve been gaining weight and I’m not happy about that. Hopefully I’ll get back to at least occasionally doing something in the realm of physical activity from time to time.

I started making electronic music after getting 2 Pocket Operators as a gift, then buying another one and eventually buying the Synthstrom Deluge, all of which I enjoy playing with a lot. You can listen to my “tracks” (they’re really amateurish) on my SoundCloud tracks list. I also post them here on the blog. Making music has proven to be a wonderful new hobby for me. I really enjoy it, even if I never become actually good at it.