I used to program for fun. I wrote a few small things that I believe were useful to other people at the time. But I haven’t done it in a long time. A few years, actually. It was easy for me to get sucked into working and training many hours a day. It’s a good excuse if you don’t want to actually face life – you can say you’re working hard, even be very successful, and everyone will accept it and be supportive. But then years go by and you have nothing to show for besides maybe a good financial situation and some muscle.
I guess most people contemplate the meaning of their lives at one point or another. It seems my time has come.
So I decided to make a few changes that will hopefully help me live a more satisfactory life. First, I work out less. Currently 3 days a week, and I only do running. If I manage to keep my current weight and physique I will consider this a success in clearing a few hours a week. Second, I try to work less – if there’s no extreme urgency I will be on my way home after 10 hours of work, which is the de facto standard for hi-tech employees. No more dinners at work just because it’s comfortable. Third, I started putting some order in my life.
Over the past weekend I threw away large amounts of garbage. It’s not garbage per se, but stuff that I haven’t used in a long time. I showed no mercy and now I’m much happier without the clutter in the storage area of my apartment. Now I’m taking care of all the paperwork I set aside over the past year or so. It’s basically just filing, but it’s even harder than sorting out junk – I have to open each letter, read and file it.
All this in hope that I can go back to programming for fun. To do that I need to know I have absolutely nothing else I’m “supposed” to do and then just wait for the right mood. I already have an idea I want to implement and I’m looking into frameworks suitable for the job.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
Can you give a hint of what it is?
I’m still thinking about writing about the idea here in the blog. It’s an idea for a niche market so it won’t make anyone (including me) any money. That’s why I don’t mind writing about it, except that I don’t want anyone to implement it before I do.
Hopefully in the next few days I’ll write about it here. Don’t get your hopes up… most people think it’s extremely stupid.
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