Yahoo! Pipes – What A Great Idea

Yahoo! proves once again that there’s still innovation left in them, this time with Yahoo! Pipes. Yahoo! Pipes lets a user define a pipe, which is a way to customize the web to your needs. A simple example would be “take the latest articles in New York Times and find related pictures on flickr”. The number of possibilities is enormous. Here’s an article about 5 ways to use Yahoo! Pipes.

I’m really impressed with the idea. This can be used to create very nice, dynamic content by users. You can also check out the main Yahoo! Pipes website for some selected pipes. (via Digg)

Why You Should Care About RSS

I wrote before about Google’s RSS reader (previous post link) but I always wanted to educate about RSS. I just couldn’t find the right way to explain it, so that it will be perfectly clear how anyone can use RSS for consuming content faster and better. Luckily for me, Download Squad (main website link) took the time to write an article called “why do you care about RSS?”, which does the explaining work. They include both sides – the reader and the website owner, which is also nice.

The Amazing Story Of Tetris Video

Tetris needs no introduction. It’s one of the most popular games in the world despite its simple gameplay. This 1 hour BBC show tells the amazing story of this game, which includes collisions between cold war politics and big capitalist companies, as the game was originally created in Russia. (via Digg)