Cockroach Adoption is one of those websites that really make you wonder why. Why would anyone create a website like that? Anyway, if you want to give your loved one a great gift, adopt an online cockroach for him/her. It will sure make them happy.
CloneSpy – Find Duplicate Files In Windows
CloneSpy is a very small and nice application for finding duplicate files on your machine. After one minute of reading the quick-start guide you can get a list of all the duplicate files on your computer. I found about 200 MB of duplicates, most of them were deleted. Very nice for keeping a tightly organized Windows machine. (via Download Squad)
The Jeep Waterfall Video
Very cool video of Jeep’s waterfall, which they put up at shows. (via Digg)
The “I’m A PC” Guy Explains Net Neutrality
If you don’t know what the “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ad campaign is, you should watch this video, which is just an example. Following the campaign came many many parody videos. And now, John Hodgman, the “I’m a PC” guy, explains an important issue called Net Neutrality. You can read more about Net Neutrality in this Wikipedia article. (via Digg)
Some Funny Videos
Still not having much time to browse for good stuff or write anything meaningful, here are two funny videos:
- Spiders on drugs
- Demetri Martin standup comedy: 1, 2, 3
Enjoy. (via Digg)
SNL iPhone Parody Video
I still think the iPhone is great, but this Saturday Night Live parody on Steve Jobs is too funny to skip. But you need to watch Steve Jobs’ iPhone introduction on the Apple website (link to the keynote video) to get it.
Program Yourself To Be Happy Video
As some of you may have noticed, I don’t have much time to write stuff lately. Today will be a short one as well: a “mind reprogramming” video designed to make you feel happy. It’s pretty cool. (via Digg)
LEGO Car Building LEGO Factory Video
Confused by the title? You should be. It’s a factory made out of LEGO blocks, which creates cars made out of LEGO blocks. It’s extremely geeky, but still a pretty amazing fit. You didn’t know you could do that with LEGO when you were kids, right? I sure didn’t. Check out this video. It’s a bit long, but pretty cool (and extremely geeky).
Man Buys TV After 32 Years Without
A guy, who simply didn’t own a TV for 32 years decided to go and buy one. A New York Times article covers this story (free registration required), in which the guy shares his observations about modern TV (programming, watching it, time shifting and so on).
Interesting Materials
New Scientist Technology Blog reviewed 5 “fun” materials, which behave very differently from our perceived solid/liquid/gas categories. Videos and links are also in there. (via Slashdot)