An Apology To One Of This Blog’s Readers

Two days ago I was at a party. Even before I went I was informed by the party’s organizer that her friend, who reads my blog, will be there. I always think of the readers of this blog as a collection of people I know, so learning about this “unknown” reader was exciting.

At the party I was introduced to this girl (who also played the guitar during the party. Very cool) and she said “I’m a fan of your blog.” I should have just said “thanks” but I was completely out of words. After running the options through my head I said something I thought about that day. I said: “Now I know all the readers of the blog.” That thought made me smile when I thought about it during the day, but I think maybe I came out a cocky asshole by saying what I said.

So this is an apology to this very nice reader. I’m sorry and thanks a lot. You gave me a great compliment, which made me very happy.


From now on I will refer to you as “all 6 readers of this blog”

3 Replies to “An Apology To One Of This Blog’s Readers”

  1. I know how it feels to suddenly realize there’s somebody reading your blog. Congratulations!
    Bedises, It’s a girl who knows to play a guitar which makes it even cooler :)

  2. Wait, did she actually say the word “fan”, as in you a fan of The Prodigy? To me it sounds very strange. Are you making it up to mess around with your five readers? You are cocky.

  3. Actually, she did say “fan”, which is why this was such a big compliment :)

    There are now officially six readers to this blog.

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