Scott Adams announced that he will write less on his blog from now on. He kept a one-post-per-day schedule for over 2 years, which is big even for a writer. Scott’s blog was one of my favorite daily reads and since I started reading the blog over a year ago, I haven’t missed even one of his posts. So you can see why I think it’s a shame that he made such a decision.
Scott uses his logical way of thinking and observational powers to explain his decision. One reason (you can’t see the ads in RSS readers) seems strange to me since you can put ads in RSS feeds, or give the reader just a part of your post so that she will have to visit the website in order to read the post (UPDATE: a day after Scott posted his decision, he chose the second way to “lure” people into the website). The other reasons, unfortunately, are entirely logical.
It’s a big loss to the blogosphere, but it was a hell of a ride :)
Have you decided to blog less as well?
No, just too busy to do it :(