Changing My Workouts A Bit

I noticed yesterday that I’ve been working out with the same schedule for exactly one year (here’s my detailed workout schedule). With the weights I’ve been slowly pushing harder and harder, but aerobics-wise I think my body has adjusted and I gained some weight. It doesn’t bother me too much but it’s always a good idea to change the workouts if you feel that your body adjusted.

The change is not too big: in 2 out of my 4 workout days I’m going to just run at moderate speed for 45+ minutes. Currently I do 25 very intense minutes on the elliptical and then another 20 (moderately intense) minutes on the treadmill. Anyway, in the other 2 days I’m going to work out exactly the same as I do today, because I like being able to reach high heart rates and it would be a shame to lose what I gained so far.

So today I ran at 10 km/h for an entire hour. It was very easy – my heart rate didn’t go over 160 (in my intense aerobic workout it can go above 175). My legs felt a little stiff at the end, but everything was normal after a few minutes of cool down. So I guess I’m going to give this new workout schedule a try for a while and see if there are any results.

Wish me luck :)

7 Replies to “Changing My Workouts A Bit”

  1. You remind me that when I started (walking for 45 minutes at 5.5 km/h) I felt the same with regards to the people who were running on treadmills beside me. Slowly but surely I reached the current level and while I know I’m doing very well, my fear is that one day I’ll just quit and go back to being a chubby, lazy guy.

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