Ace (my cat) is in heat. I previously didn’t want to have her spayed because I really didn’t want to have her go through an operation. Also, all the pro-spaying reasons are to spare us, humans, from pain, not cats. But now that she’s in heat I think I’ll actually spare her some agony if I do get her spayed. It’s amazing to see how primal her behavior is during this period. She’s constantly howling in hope to attract male cats and she’s also overly friendly – rolling on the floor and begging for attention – something which she usually only does when I come back home after a day’s work.
Most of the time I feel sorry for her because she seems so miserable. I even tried to look for ways to calm her down and make this experience less painful for her. Some things, like petting her and giving her a lot of attention, I happily do. I actually like the very friendly version of Ace. But some things, like this advice on how to calm a cat in heat by inducing an orgasm with a Q-tip I won’t do. Thinking about it makes me nauseous. I can handle the howling and being woken up 3 times every night to calm her down.
I noticed that distracting Ace sometimes works, even if it is for short periods. If I give her some of her treats or play her favorite game of chasing plastic bottle caps then she forgets about the howling and later on she might actually take a nap and give me one or two hours of peace and quiet.
I already talked with the vet and once Ace is after this period I’ll get her spayed. Apart from being the responsible thing to do, I think it will really make her life better.
you can prevent it also by pills but – there is a but: it can cause cancer. It did to Punch.
I remember, but it doesn’t seem like it’s an option these days. No one offers it. Anyway, spaying is probably the right way to go – it also prevents all kinds of illness later.
I can’t believe the “how to calm a cat in heat” link…
Thinking about it makes me nauseous too !