About not giving up

There is a fine line between being determined or persistent and being stupidly stubborn. It’s the same fine line that separates the brave and the dumb.

Today I think I was just stubborn, but to tell you the truth, right now I’m happy about it. Yesterday I was at a wedding, and slept only 3 hours or so at night. That’s because I got up for my morning workout. I thought about easing it up a bit by switching today’s aerobic with tomorrow’s weight lifting, but decided against it. I did the entire aerobic exercise according to my routine, and then I did Yoga.

The strange thing is that my heart rate reached 179 bpm, 4 bpm less than my all time high. I never know in advance whether it’s going to be a rough day or a relatively easy day, heart rate-wise. I mean, today I expected it to reach at least 181. Anyway, it felt like 181 :)