Dindy Update

It’s been a while since I posted an update regarding Dindy. Dindy has been slowly evolving since its first release 9 months ago. It is now a relatively complete profile management solution for Android-based phones. It can be used for quite a few purposes, including:

  • Simple profile manager for profiles like “silent” or “vibrate”.
  • Auto-away SMS responder.
  • Unique urgent call handling by sending an SMS message to the caller and waking up the phone if the same person calls again.

Other nice features are:

  • Profile time limit.
  • Profile widgets for one-click activation.
  • Profile shortcuts for activation using external apps.
  • Locale plugin.

I’m pretty happy with Dindy’s current feature list and it seems as though the users are happy too: Dindy now has a rating of 4.46 out of 5 in the app market. Out of 318 installations, 159 (50%) of them are active. That’s actually a little disappointing but, since people aren’t giving Dindy bad ratings lately, I can only assume that it worked fine but wasn’t what they were looking for.

I dropped Dindy’s price to 0.50 British Pounds. I wanted to see how it would affect sales and I believe what happened as a result was that people who didn’t find Dindy useful didn’t hurry to uninstall it and get the refund. But that’s just a guess.

The most enjoyable part of writing Dindy is the interaction with users. It’s a great feeling to know someone uses Dindy and even has ideas on how to improve it. That’s why I’m still considering making Dindy free. Like I said before, I wish there was a way to do app promotions in the app market and give Dindy away for free just for a week. Until that’s possible I will probably have Dindy priced the same as now.

4 Replies to “Dindy Update”

  1. Itai has gotten soft. Once he delved into the ATAM, now he’s afraid of Linux.
    He’ll never buy an Android!!! splash

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