Germany – Dusseldorf And Now Berlin

Luckily both of us have German friends that pointed out to us websites where people offer rides for payment, and we arranged two rides to Berlin.

We arrived yesterday at 7pm to Dusseldorf after a 5-hour ride. At the hotel where we stayed the manager turned out to be an really nice Israeli, Danny, and he pointed us to the Old City (Altstadt) where many people hang out in the evening. We sat at a nice place and ate great steaks for a small price.

We also met a very nice Canadian couple who were stranded in Germany, with their 7 year old back home thinking they’ll never come back. Hopefully they’re on their way back home by now. Then we took a peek at the gigantic Rhine river, but it was so cold and we were tired, so we didn’t really appreciate the beauty of it. Also, our ride to Berlin was early in the next morning.

And today we finally got to Berlin after an additional 5-hour ride. The scenery on the way was very beautiful, but these rides are exhausting and my back is pretty much killing me ever since that first Prodigy show 4 days ago. So while I’m enjoying myself a lot, there’s a pain that comes with it all along.

Tonight we’re planning to go on an alternative pub crawl, which is basically a pub tour. I’m sure it will be interesting and that the Diet Coke will be great in each and every pub we visit. Tomorrow we’ll probably go on a sight-seeing tour.

All in all, with our flight from Paris to Berlin being cancelled, I think we made the best out of a bad situation. Also, our bet was that it’ll be worth it to get to Berlin to try and catch our flight on Friday (the alternative was to try and go to a southern airport to fly home.) Currently, it seems like this bet will pay off, unless the skies close again.

5 Replies to “Germany – Dusseldorf And Now Berlin”

  1. :) Only one Diet Coke… most bars only sell regular Coke. Zero is completely out of the question.

    And by the way, in Paris they’re still trying to sell the horror that is Cherry Cola.

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