Israel and Moon Settlement?

I enjoy The Dilbert Blog so much, I feel I have to point to it from time to time. Two of Scott Adams’ latest posts really made me laugh:
Favorite quote from My Middle-Sized Problems:

I have only been married for a few months, so maybe someone can tell me how long it takes before a wife stops asking when you plan to fix things. I have my fingers crossed that it stops in a few more weeks.

Favorite quote from Moon Real Estate:

You can pretty much predict the next thousand years of lunar history. It goes like this:

  1. The base station solves all of the technical problems of living on the moon.
  2. A rich guy builds an ultra expensive tourist destination on the moon.
  3. Lots of other rich guys build hotels and casinos on the moon.
  4. The cost of lunar colonization falls.
  5. Israel starts building settlements on the moon because land is free.
  6. Muslims see this as an insult because the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon and they donโ€™t want Jews living all over their symbol.
  7. Islamic terrorists will try to use rockets built by North Korea to fly to the moon and blow up stuff.
  8. The North Korean rockets will keep missing the moon.
  9. Islamic terrorists will start blowing up more stuff than usual in America because it doesnโ€™t require any North Korean rockets.