My 24th Prodigy Show โ€“ Athens, Greece, 21-Jul-2023

I was so lucky to be able to attend another Prodigy gig. I never thought this day would come. At first, I didn’t think The Prodigy will be back to perform live after Keith’s death. Then, when they did go back to performing, I never thought I would go again. I felt content with seeing them 23 times.

But as the Athens date was announced, and having some credit with a low-cost airline that flies to Greece, I jumped on the opportunity to go see them for the 24th time along with my friend GL0WKiD, who is a massive fan and an all around great guy. I went with him and a small group of his friends to the show. Having more people always makes the experience better.

The show itself was amazing. The Prodigy still have it in terms of raw energy emanating from the stage and sending the crowd into a frenzy. The new stage design and light show are great. I specifically like them because Liam is now a bit more in the front of the stage and it’s easier to see him work his magic.

Now I want to go again, of course. 25 is a nice number :)

And now to some obligatory videos: