I suck at explaining computer-related issues to other people

When I try to explain computer-related things to other people I usually fail at bringing them to the understanding level that I hope they will have following the explanation. The problem is that I can’t figure out what’s wrong with what I say.

I guess one thing is that I want people to understand what they’re doing instead of just following my instructions until the next time they need to do the same thing again. It’s hard for me to accept the fact that sometimes people simply don’t want to understand what they’re doing with a computer but just get it done. Surprisingly I was the same with math – although I wanted to understand things when I studied math, many times I gave up and just asked for a way to solve problems without understanding.

Another reason is that things seem pretty obvious to me. Of course they weren’t so obvious when I first had to learn them, but now I find it hard to explain because I can’t recreate in my mind the learning process that I had to go through. It’s probably a different process for me and for others, anyway. I guess I’m not such a good teacher – good teachers can relate to the student’s state of mind to see how they can bring the student to a level of understanding.

Anyway, the outcome of all this is usually that I get upset as things I say don’t help the person I’m supposed to help and it becomes very apparent, making the entire process a pain for both me and the other side.

So to anyone I tried to help and made it into an unpleasant experience – I’m sorry.

4 Replies to “I suck at explaining computer-related issues to other people”

  1. it happens to me too…this is why i usually say: i am a programmer, not a computer guy

  2. When you were a kid, did other kids used to slap you on the back of your neck? Cause if you were next to me right now, I would have slapped you, for sure.

    I am sure that all readers who know you personally would agree that you tend/agree/happy to help others more than any other person. And the blame should be on *us* when we keep asking the same *programming* questions again and again. My proof – the makefile is working now.

    And you know what, now I think that maybe this is your tactic to get *us* stop asking you all of these annoying programming questions, by feeling sorry that not only that we waste your time but also that after all you feel bad about it. Isnโ€™t it? So this is not going to work for you!! I’m going to compose an arsenal of dumb question which I will ask you from time to time. Of course I will repeat the same questions occasionally. And if you ever going to tell me that you are sorry for not providing me with a good-enough-answer, I will leave a Hebrew comment on your blog!

  3. There are different learning styles . There are people who are more cognitive, and than they have to understand, it is a must for them. For wxample: there are people who are more experiential. They must experience first and draw conclusions afterwards. And there are many more. I know for myself – I love to experience, and it takes me more time if I have to get it only in a cognitive way.
    Remeber, when a baby learns to walk – there is no theory or understanding first. It is trial. Nobody gave him a lecture about it. And there is a lot of imitation too.
    There is a saying in Hebrew: “Hanoch lanar al pi darko”. They were clever, the old scholars!

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