Switching from Dropbox to Seafile Cloud

UPDATE: Since I originally wrote this, the company changed its name to Syncwerk. I strongly recommend NOT to buy into their storage offerings. I will explain more in a new post as soon as I’ve taken my files off their servers.

I’ve been using Dropbox for a long time (more than 7 years, apparently) and it has been very useful. I use it mainly for file syncing across devices and backup, and apart from sharing I almost never used any other features (undelete was useful a couple of times.)

But Dropbox has a package that is too expensive for me – paying 10$ a month while not using even half of the provided 1TB of storage seems very wasteful. So I’ve been looking for an alternative and decided to go with Seafile Cloud (shop link). Since my main requirement was a native Linux client, this didn’t leave a lot of services to consider.

I like Seafile Cloud for a few reasons:

  • There’s a native Linux package.
  • It’s based on an open source project (you can create your own Seafile server and not pay anyone.)
  • It has a package better suited for me, for less than what Dropbox costs (500GB for 5 โ‚ฌ a month.)
  • Files are stored on servers in Germany, a country that is better at keeping people’s privacy than the US is.

Registering to Seafile and using it isn’t as smooth as Dropbox, but once you get it going it works great (as far as I can tell.) I hope it’ll stay that way.