Intelยฎ + E8 Storage = 💙

UPDATE: There is now a web page about E8 on the Intelยฎ Storage Builders website. That’s cool.

A blog post from Intelยฎ uncovers their new dual-port NVMe SSDs. To show off the performance of these drives along with the possibility of using their dual-portness to achieve high availability, Intelยฎ used E8 Storage’s Poof of Concept storage setup.

E8 Storage high availability with PCIe level performance
E8 Storage high availability with PCIe level performance

It’s fun to work on the cutting edge :)

If you’re an experienced C/C++/Linux kernel/python developer looking for a job, you might just find it at E8. It’s a great place to work. Contact me at [email protected].