(This is a delayed post for September 30)
I went straight to Krka National Park hoping to find hiking trails. I was disappointed to find out that the only walking trail they had was an hour and a half long. I did it anyway. Krka is the under-privileged, over-commercialized little sibling of Plitvice Lakes National Parks. Everything is smaller and more expensive in Krka. Still, it was nice.
I then told my GPS to avoid toll roads and it took in the direction of Dubrovnik on the coastline road, which is an amazingly beautiful scenic road with many places to stop and look at the gorgeous Croatian coastline. I decided that I can’t just take pictures from above and went into one of the small towns that has a beach. I sat there for lunch and dipped my feet in the cold and clear water of the Adriatic Sea.
Later I drove to Ston, a small oyster-cultivating town which has a big wall going from it to Mali Ston, the neighboring town. I saw the wall and immediately decided I want to walk it. I made a little exercise out of it and tried to go as fast as I could. It wasn’t easy – the wall is located on a mountain side (and I also stopped for pictures :)
Eventually, after I couldn’t find a place to stay on a beach at a close-by location, I found a place in Ston. Tomorrow I’ll go to Dubrovnik for my last two days of this trip.
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