Slovenia – Day 5, Croatia – Day 1

Yesterday I thought I might make it to another hike in Logarska Dolina, but when I got up this morning it was raining heavily in the valley. I decided to continue straight to my next destination, ล kocjan Caves. The karstic caves are huge and amazingly beautiful. Not only that, but there’s also a river flowing straight through them. I was lucky enough to see the river fiercely flowing through the cave at 50 cubic meters per second because it was raining lately. Most of the time the river (called “Reka Reka”, which means “the river River”) flows slowly inside the cave. Unfortunately it’s prohibited to take photos inside the cave, but if you’re interested you can see some in the official site.

After that I crossed over to Croatia. My destination was Plitvice Lakes National Park, which is where I am now. The drive was longer than I expected and driving through misty mountains in the rain on curvy narrow roads is less than optimal. On the other hand, I also got to drive highways at 130 km/h (that’s the speed limit) through magnificent scenery.

I’m spending the night very close to the park, hoping that by tomorrow it will rain less and I can go tour it. I still have to decide where to go afterwards. I might try Zagreb, even though I prefer nature over a city for this trip.

As you can see, there are just two pictures from the exit of ล kocjan Caves and one of my dinner. The video is from this morning in Logarska Donlina.