Today’s link-a-palooza

Today’s link-a-palooza

Stuff I found today while browsing

I decided to post some links that I found interesting while browsing the Internet. I’m going to try and make it a daily habit. The links are supposed to be a mix but today, by chance, all of them are technology-related.

How fast can you stack cups?

I didn’t know this was an actual sport, but it turns out cup stacking is a pretty famous thing. Check out Emily Fox’s record video. Just to show you how serious this thing is, you can also look at Speed Stacks for the latest news on cup stacking.

Searching even further into Google’s soon-to-be-official video marketplace, Google Video, I found that cup stacking is not the only cup game around. There’s also cup flipping, although not an official sport like stacking, flipping is more of a social game.