Microsoft gives away free licenses of Windows Vista, Office 2007

In a new website, called Power Together, Microsoft gives away free copies of Windows Vista and Office 2007. In return you have to watch 3 promotional movies, answer questions about them and give some personal details. You also have to be a US resident. You can get some more details here.

Why am I writing about this? Because I don’t want to hear any of my friends complain that I didn’t say/email anything about it. If you read my blog, you’d know.

Flying Alarm Clock – If Only There Was A Point To The Flying

I’ve written about a concept flying alarm clock before (link to earlier post). There’s a lot of innovation in the wake-you-up territory and this time someone decided to make the flying alarm clock a reality. Unlike the concept clock, this one starts flying around and makes an annoying noise until you catch it and make it stop. I wonder what happens if it decides to stick to the ceiling. Maybe it should have stayed a concept.

Ultimate Geekness

Do this at your own risk: in the command line enter this command:


It might take a while until it starts, but it’s worth the wait. Just leave the windows open and see if it started already. (via Digg)