The Problem with Programming – Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne Stroustrup gave an interview to Technology Review, where they asked him about C++, past and present. It’s a very interesting interview – the amount of experience Stroustrup has with building big systems stands out. I found myself thinking “he’s so right” in almost every paragraph.

My favorite two quotes:

…looking at “average” pieces of code can make me cry.


There are just two kinds of languages: the ones everybody complains about and the ones nobody uses.

(via Artima)

An Observation About The Chevrolet Malibu Signaling Lights

Yesterday I drove behind a Chevrolet Malibu for about 30 seconds and noticed something that seemed strange and dangerous. Here’s what the Chevrolet Malibu 2006 rear side looks like:
Chevrolet Malibu LTZ 2006 Rear
The Malibu uses, as many other cars do, the same lights on the left hand and right hand sides for both turn- and break-signaling. Additionally it has another middle light only for break-signaling. Let’s call these lights L (left), M (middle) and R (right).

For example, what happens when the driver both breaks and signals that he’s about to make a right turn? As expected, L and M are lit (to signal the break) while R is blinking (to signal the turn). Only the timing is what’s wrong in the Malibu. For the following diagram, let’s assume that:

  1. turn signaling is on and off in one-second intervals (for simplicity, but I think it’s pretty close to reality, as far as the Malibu goes);
  2. the driver starts turn-signaling right at the 1.5 second mark; and
  3. the driver starts breaking at the 2 seconds mark.

Here’s what the lights look like in this case:

   |     driver starts signaling right
   |     |
R  | 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
   |       driver starts breaking
   |       |
M  | 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
   |             L lights up
   |             |
L  | 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
   0   1   2   3   4   5

As you can see, when the driver breaks, M is immediately lit (thank god) but L “waits” and stays dark until R is lit again. Only then L is lit to signal the break – 1.5 second after the driver hit the breaks. While this is happening, only M is an indication that the car is breaking.

I think that’s dangerous, as the middle light is an auxiliary break light and the standard is for right and left (at least one of them) to signal the breaking action. In any case it’s weird because what the driver behind the Malibu sees is the blinking right light, then the middle light turning on and then the left light turning on. This is irregular and potentially confusing.

Speed Spray?

When I saw this “gadget” (I really don’t know how to categorize this product) my thoughts went from “this is so stupid” to “can this actually work?”. Anyway, you can decide for yourselves if the WiFi Speed Spray is something you would use. (via Digg)

Extreme… Diet Coke and Mentos

The original Diet Coke and Mentos video showed what happens when you put some Mentos in a bottle of diet coke (the bottle sprays diet coke as if it was shaken badly). Google started spreading the Extreme Diet Coke and Mentos video as a “tribute” to the domino effect an online video can have.

More importantly, other than being fun to watch, this video is the first ad sponsored Google video and marks a new era in the online videos market. Watch out for video and audio ads. They’re coming soon.

Scott Adams And His Voice

The author of the famous comic figure Dilbert and author of many books, Scott Adams, lost his voice 18 months ago due to an exotic condition, of which no one has ever been known to recover. Amazingly, Scott Adams did manage to recover, and he describes it in an inspirational post in his blog. Those of you who read his book “The Dilbert Future” (Amazon link), specifically the last chapter, know that Adams has a unique way of looking at the world and would not be surprised by the way he tried (and succeeded) to recover from a seemingly non-recoverable condition. (via Slashdot)