The Dishmaker, still in development, is a device that creates dishes out of acrylic material so that when you’re done eating from them you can place them back in the machine for re-use, without the need to wash them. Watch the video – it’s actually a cool idea. I only wish they would somehow apply this to laundry.
Train Your Brain
Did you know that doing taxes might actually help you to keep your brain sharp? Here are two articles about things you can do to keep your brain sharp.
By the way, you’re welcome to do my taxes anytime. (via Lifehacker)
The Jeep Waterfall Video
Very cool video of Jeep’s waterfall, which they put up at shows. (via Digg)
Program Yourself To Be Happy Video
As some of you may have noticed, I don’t have much time to write stuff lately. Today will be a short one as well: a “mind reprogramming” video designed to make you feel happy. It’s pretty cool. (via Digg)
LEGO Car Building LEGO Factory Video
Confused by the title? You should be. It’s a factory made out of LEGO blocks, which creates cars made out of LEGO blocks. It’s extremely geeky, but still a pretty amazing fit. You didn’t know you could do that with LEGO when you were kids, right? I sure didn’t. Check out this video. It’s a bit long, but pretty cool (and extremely geeky).
We’re Officially Approaching Bubble Status. Everyone Hold Tight
On September 4th, 2006 I asked if we were in a new bubble (previous post link). Although I don’t think it was so hard to see it coming, it seems that now is the time to give a smug smile and say: I was right. We are seeing startups starting to close shop and investors being careful about investing in anything that says “Web 2.0”. Before the bubble burst in the year 2000, any company that added the “.com” suffix to their name (news article about those crazy times) got great investments for no apparent reason.
Now Michael Arrington of TechCrunch, a blog which (also) covers startups and even has a DeadPool tag for those that didn’t make it (see all the companies in there) writes an article called “Bubble, Bubble, Bubble”. Need I say more?
Maybe I should get back to work now.
Man Buys TV After 32 Years Without
A guy, who simply didn’t own a TV for 32 years decided to go and buy one. A New York Times article covers this story (free registration required), in which the guy shares his observations about modern TV (programming, watching it, time shifting and so on).
Interesting Materials
New Scientist Technology Blog reviewed 5 “fun” materials, which behave very differently from our perceived solid/liquid/gas categories. Videos and links are also in there. (via Slashdot)
100 Things We Didn’t Know Last Year
BBC News published a list of 100 things we didn’t know last year. Some facts are really interesting, and all facts have links to their original stories, in case you’re interested in reading more. I admit I only got to about fact 25, but considering my short attention span, this is quite a lot. (via Slashdot)
The Pot In Pot Refrigerator
It would be an understatement to say that this is not a new invention, but it’s a very interesting, simple and useful one. To keep food cold, simply put one pot in another, wet sand between them and you got yourself a refrigerator. (via Digg)