I really thought this day was going slow on the blogging side until I saw this stupid gadget. The Email Clock ticks the amount of email going into your inbox, so you can… well, I have no idea what you can do with this information. No clue whatsoever.
Nintendo Wii Safety Manual
The Nintendo Wii looks like a great gaming console, being the first to have a motion sensing remote (check out this video). I’m not into gaming, so I wouldn’t report it unless the crazy safety manual that comes in the Japanese version.
Following the hilarious entry, some people added “the missing pages”, which are just as funny.
The Self Stirring Mug Video
From the “I am not making this up” department comes the self stirring mug. Readers of this blog are welcome to get me one of these for my upcoming 30th birthday. Not really. (via Digg)
Flying Alarm Clock – If Only There Was A Point To The Flying
I’ve written about a concept flying alarm clock before (link to earlier post). There’s a lot of innovation in the wake-you-up territory and this time someone decided to make the flying alarm clock a reality. Unlike the concept clock, this one starts flying around and makes an annoying noise until you catch it and make it stop. I wonder what happens if it decides to stick to the ceiling. Maybe it should have stayed a concept.
More Weird Gadgets
This time, a list of 12 USB accessories you must have. Now I can finally get my noodles strained right at my heated seat without getting up. (via Digg)
Mini Rube Golbdberg Toys For Your Fridge
I guess the Christmas rush of new products does bring us some cool stuff, like these Rube Goldberg toys which you can stick to your refrigirator door for endless hours of fun. Well, maybe endless hours of fun is just a little bit exaggerated. A few minutes, at least.
Vibrating Soap… Yes, Soap That Vibrates
It’s like stupid gadgets season or something. I guess it’s just because of the upcoming Christmas. Today we have an automatic vibrating soap. This item goes to position 1,653,208 in my must-absolutely-have list, right after BananaGuard.
Speed Spray?
When I saw this “gadget” (I really don’t know how to categorize this product) my thoughts went from “this is so stupid” to “can this actually work?”. Anyway, you can decide for yourselves if the WiFi Speed Spray is something you would use. (via Digg)
Banana Guard – I Always Wanted To Protect My Banana. No… Seriously
We haven’t had a stupid gadget for ages, but the makers of BananaGuard decided to lay upon us their latest invention… and it’s only $6.35 US. (via Gizmodo)
Can anyone tell why the title of their website is “ClearSpeed – Why Acceleration?” ? I can’t. Maybe the BananaGuard can’t stand high speeds.
Is that a TV set on your head…
or are you just happy to NOT see me?
Funniest line in the article describing this “gadget”:
We assume the head tracking feature is afforded by the fact that it sits right over your head.
(via Digg)