2 years of working out

Today marks 2 years since I started working out. I still follow the same 4-days-a-week workout schedule from March this year. I must admit that having Tuesday off from workouts is a nice relief and also a chance to move workouts around the week when there’s a need to do that.

I think I’ve reached a certain point where my physique is pretty much the same, as well as my weight and muscle volume. I guess that if I want to make changes to my appearance now, I have to make some changes in my workouts. For example, I do 45 minutes of fasted aerobics every workout day (4 times a week). Fasted intense aerobics is not really recommended, but I feel good doing it so I’ll keep it up for now.

I can also make some diet changes if I want to look better, but I’m happy with the way I look and I feel good so that’s good enough for me. I just hope that things will stay the way they are as long as I keep working out.

5 Replies to “2 years of working out”

  1. Respek!

    Seriously, i remember your previous ‘1 year working out’ milestone. Way to go!

  2. I also like the way you look…
    When is the next time we can get together ?


    Keep up the good work !

  3. cool! Now you should beat up people for fun (I would have said kick some ass, but with the last comment people will get a wrong impression of you).

    Does that mean that now you wear world gym shirts and work-up pants?

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