
As Slashdot‘s title declares, it’s a website about “news for nerds, stuff that matters”. It’s one of the busiest websites on the Internet. So busy that if a news item contains a link in Slashdot, then the phenomenon of Slashdot reader clicking the link and killing the target server is called Slashdotting.

But it’s not just the main items that are a good read. Some of the comments by the readers (which get promoted or demoted by other users, and therefore you get to see the good ones) are sometimes very interesting or funny.

Domino Pressure

I’ve been playing Domino Pressure every now and then for the past two months. It’s pretty challenging. The goal is to tip the right domino (by clicking it), so that it will cause all the other dominos to fall and eventually squash the tomato. My record is around level 105. Enjoy.