The Infinite Cat Project

The Infinite Cat Project is one of those things that can only happen by chance. Here’s the story, as told on the website:

“It all began innocently enough when a user on an Apple help web site posted a picture of his cat, Frankie, contemplating the beauty of a flower. Shortly afterwards another user posted a picture of his cat bristling at the image of Frankie on the monitor. I decided this was too much fun and advanced the concept as The Infinite Cat Project which is, simply, cats regarding cats regarding cats in an electronic milieu. If you like this web site then thank your lucky stars that the world is populated with cats, Macs, and people with wayyyy too much time on their hands.”

Here is a direct link to the first 25 cats, including the original one, Frankie.

(this post is dedicated to Shaul. I hope this clears the 0.22$ I owe you for clicking the Google ads)

SMS Kettle

So you’re sitting in the living room dying for a coffee cup, but you just don’t feel like getting up right now. That’s why they created the SMS Kettle (via Gizmodo). You send a text message to the kettle, and it starts boiling the water.

This reminds me of the world’s most useless remote control button: the eject button (in modern CD/DVD players – open/close button). You still need to get up and put the DVD in its box. This is very much like it. I mean – can you be sure that the kettle has water in it when you send the SMS, or will you just have to get up and check?