- Anima Causa Feel Seating System – in case your bean bag is just not good enough.
- Vein-reading keyboard – spooky, but it’s for your own security.
- PortForward – a site to help you setup any router or firewall. Check out their routers section. (Thanks to Yochai for the link)
- Funny user interface oddities – although I already wrote about The Daily WTF site, these are extremely funny.
- A guide to the best alarm clocks – Read it and sleep. (via Digg)
- Screenshots of Office 2007 user interface – if you don’t know what the Ribbon is already.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Reading the fine print, episode 2 – “Marketing writes the big print; lawyers write the small print.” Couldn’t have said it better.
- Performance Anti-Patterns – for software developers. A summary of the article points can be found here.
- Thanko USB Boss Switch Underfoot – I definitely need one of those… a hidden boss key.
- Free Software List – look before you buy something commercial. (via Lifehacker)
- DeskTask – software to put Outlook information straight on the desktop. I’m not such a heavy-weight Outlook user, but it looks very nice. (via Lifehacker)
- manybooks.net – a site with many free e-books. (via Digg)
- Light up animated Pac-Man bicycle wheels – must-have item for geek bikers. (via Digg)
- New features in C# 3.0 – a summary for C# developers. The summary does not include LINQ, though. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- IBM will not use Windows Vista, but will move to Linux desktops – I wonder if this is just marketing hype or the real thing. (via Digg)
- Simple ways to make yourself far cleverer – a seven days plan. Let me know if it works :) (via Digg)
- Students create plant that “glows” when thirsty – gene modifying fun. (via Digg)
- Pill Takers Cup – a nice low tech gadget to help you take your pills. (via Gizmodo)
- Top 10 Geek Watches – if you’re into that kind of stuff. (via Gizmodo)
- Practical Tips For Boosting The Performance Of Windows Forms Apps – for .NET developers.
Today’s link-a-palooza
I’m very busy today, so the list is short. See you tomorrow (hopefully).
- ThemeXP – a website for Windows XP modding. (via Download Squad) (EDIT: Link removed because ThemeXP installs spyware with their wallpapers.)
- Futurama pinball table – geeky coolness.
- Make Windows 3.1 Look Like Windows XP – but why?
- Web users only visit six sites – interesting.
Peel a cooked potato at once video
I enjoyed watching this one so much that I decided to give it its own post. Following the excellent shirt folding techniques series (parts one and two), here’s a video showing how to peel a cooked potato in one shot. Let me know if it works.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Microsoft backs down – from the declaration that in 6 months it will have a search engine better than Google’s.
- Silicon Valley Software Engineers Fight Club – CBS video. I cannot believe it myself. (via Digg)
- The Best Accidental Discoveries – nice and short article. (via Digg)
- The things Google may ask you – if you’re interviewing for a job. Puzzling. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Inject Your Code to a Portable Executable File – an article about code injecting into a Windows executable or library file. Long but interesting.
- Techbargains – a website for bargains in the US.
- Windows Vista won’t get a backdoor – in case you were worried.
- Training toilet paper – to train kids on how much paper they need. (via Gizmodo)
- The Simpsons live action video – of the opening sequence.
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Today’s link-a-palooza
- Zorb – New extreme sport or new stupid toy?
- Electrical outlets that can turn – So simple, yet so smart.
- Microsoft introduces StepUI user interface – control your computer by DDRing.
- The Next Net 25 – CNN covers the 25 startups that are reinventing the web. A good read if you want to know about cool online services. (via Download Squad)
- Microsoft will introduce a search engine better than Google’s in 6 months – or so they say. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Quantum physics double slit experiment – a video explaining the strange phenomenon. Very interesting. (via Digg)
- Why Windows Vista Won’t Suck – a lengthy article explaining the new features of the next version of Windows, along with the meaning of these features.
- null at vtext – what happens when you choose an email address that causes all lost SMS messages to get to your cell phone. (via Slashdot)
- Speaking? Tips – tips for when you’re speaking in front of an audience. (via Lifehacker)
- Windows Vista Voice Recognition – 13 minute video. (via Digg)
- Get a free USB drive from Microsoft – answers are 2, True, True, True. (via Digg)