I’m sure that the words “Doggy Bag” don’t make you think about this gadget.
Top 10 Strangest Gadgets of the Future
The Yo, Taxi! Coat
The Yo Taxi! Coat has embedded LEDSs, so that when a person waves his hand the word “TAXI” appears… take a look yourselves, it’s pretty cool. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- For Dummies Book Cover Generator – funny. If you make creative covers, post a link to them in the comments. (via Download Squad)
- Smiley Cables – straight from the stupid gadgets department.
- Science Confirms the Obvious – a Popular Science article about researches that confirm obvious claims. My favorite is number 4: “Faraway Objects Are Tougher to See”.
- Top 20 Strangest Gadgets and Accessories – a funny collection of useless crap. Well, maybe some of it is not so useless.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Why Sony Should’ve Put Its Weight Behind Hi-MD – an article that makes good points in favor of Sony’s MiniDisc format against the current trend of MP3 players (flash and HDD based). (via Slashdot)
- The A-Bike – small, light, folding, no chain. The best bicycle you could ask for.
- Toilet Lid Sink – merging two of my favorite subjects: toilets and “gadgets”. Now they just need to add a TV set and a fridge and I’m moving in.
- How To Write a Thank-You Note – in case you need to thank someone.
- How Bill Gates works – by Bill Gates.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- 10 rules to manage your boss – interesting tips on how to improve your relationship with your boss to make working life better. (via Lifehacker)
- Help solve a real network compatibility issue in Windows Vista – Raymond Chen challenges you. Also see the first follow up.
- 101 Fabulous Freebies – a collection of free software from PCWorld.com. (via Download Squad)
- List of April 1st 2006 jokes – in Wikipedia. (via Digg)
- Top 10 weirdest keyboards ever – I was pretty amazed to see what people thought would be a useful keyboard. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Top 25 inventions of 2006 – parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (via Digg)
- How to re-surface a CD to work again – a tutorial with pictures, in case you scratch a CD too much.
- Torture your cat – with a laser beam “toy”.
- Why does Windows have two copies of Notepad? – Well, it’s the old backwards compatibility thing again.
- The redesigned Office 2007 user interface– a video from Microsoft.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- The weirdest Palm OS programs – a pretty funny list. (via Download Squad)
- Futurama returns for another season – WOOHOO!!! (via Slashdot)
- The Great Escape – Live role playing game in Madrid. Very high on the cool factor. (via Slashdot)
- Use GMail as a file viewer – good tip.
Todayโs link-a-palooza
- YouOS – the web (based) operating system. A lot of AJAX goodies. (via Digg)
- BMW lights Airbus planes interior – with real-sky simulation.
- How to write a makefile – a tutorial. (via Digg)
- Speakeasy Connection Speed Test – an online utility. (via Digg)
- Windows Vista Screenshots – in case you’re interested on how the next version of Windows looks like. (via Digg)
- In what language do deaf people think? – Very interesting read. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- “Teenage” Furniture – if that’s what you call furniture with a secret porn stash.
- Motorized Pool Lounger – to go with your RC shark.
- Tips to increase cell phone battery life (via PalmAddicts)
- 11 ways to backup your del.icio.us bookmarks – if you use del.icio.us. (via Download Squad)
- What not to eat (over your keyboard) – kind of funny. (via Lifehacker)
- Mixed Reality Interface video – very cool. (via Digg)
- Pepper substance causes prostate cancer cells to kill themselves – very interesting. (via Digg)