Where’s The Remote

Straight from the useless gadgets department comes Where’s The Remote. Unlike what you may think, this device will not actually help you find the remote. However, it will constantly nag you about returning the remote to a base station, which is the Where’s The Remote device.

Kind of like being married. (Just kidding)

(via Engadget)

SMS Kettle

So you’re sitting in the living room dying for a coffee cup, but you just don’t feel like getting up right now. That’s why they created the SMS Kettle (via Gizmodo). You send a text message to the kettle, and it starts boiling the water.

This reminds me of the world’s most useless remote control button: the eject button (in modern CD/DVD players – open/close button). You still need to get up and put the DVD in its box. This is very much like it. I mean – can you be sure that the kettle has water in it when you send the SMS, or will you just have to get up and check?

Alarm Clocks

If you have trouble waking up in the mornings, this post is for you. Every now and then a new alarm clock is introduced to the world to help people wake up on time. Here’s a collection I’ve gathered:

And these are my personal favorites:

  • Clocky, which actually hides away in the room once you hit the snooze button.
  • Anemone Alarm Clock, which not only starts shaking to run away from you, but also keeps shaking and sounding the alarm until you put in enough strength to calm it down.
  • The Hanging Alarm Clock that you hang over your head and every time you hit snooze will get further away from you.
  • The Jigsaw Puzzle Alarm Clock, which makes you solve a little jigsaw puzzle to stop the alarm.

These are all cool and funny, but the real “alarm clock” I would like to own is actually a watch named SLEEPTRACKER, which sets off the alarm when it senses the best time for you to wake up, in the sense that you will be “the most awake” when it sounds the alarm. I love the idea of this product, and most reviews say it really works (when it comes to sleep, of course this kind of thing won’t work for everybody). Basically, I’m just waiting for a version 2.0, as I usually do with gadgets.

Palm will switch to Windows Mobile on next Treo version

It’s the end of an era. One of the most successful smartphones ever, the Palm Treo, will switch, on its next version, to the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system instead of the Palm OS.

I really like Palm. I used to own a Palm Pilot III and today I own a Palm Tungsten T. It is well known that the Palm company has gone through a lot of changes and restructuring over the past few years and made quite a lot of mistakes along the way. But this is a real shame. Palm OS is a good, solid, user-friendly, oriented towards simplicity while saving battery life operating system.

Microsoft is, of course, celebrating the event. On Microsoft’s homepage you can see this image. All that they have left to do is a victory dance, then buy Palm and fire all of the employees.

I wonder what the Treo with Windows Mobile will have to offer that other Windows-based smartphones don’t already have. It better be good.

Gizmo Blogs

Here are two gizmo blogs, which I visit regularly: Gizmodo and Engadget. It’s not only because of the cool stuff that they show there, it’s also the way they present it – with a lot of humor and a cynical attitude, which goes well with the weird products some companies choose to manufacture.