I love Google Video because you can just go in there, find cool videos and watch them on the spot, no hassle. This time I found the system administrator song.
Star Wars Nerds
This movie I got by email really made me laugh. This comedian (I think he appears on Conan O’Brien’s Late Night Show) makes fun of geeks in line to see the new Star Wars movie.
USB Missile Launcher
Now, how cool is that? A USB Missile Launcher. Instead of throwing stuff at coworkers or shooting rubber bands now you can launch actual missiles at them.
(via CNET News)
The Beerbelly Gadget
The Beerbelly is a so-called gadget, which lets you sneak in beer into places where you are usually not allowed to in a container you put under your shirt and looks… well… like a beer belly. Ah… if only I drank beer.
(via Gizmodo)
The Writings on the Stall
The Writings on the Stall is a very funny website, which is “an online repository of writings found on restroom walls”.
Let them sing it for you
Ever wanted to sing a sentence you just said? This website finds words you type in existing songs, puts them together and lets “them” sing it for you. If you have a popup blocker, disable it for this link. Enjoy.
(via Digg)
What do you think this is?
Gizmodo put up a picture of this device. What do you think this is?
One of the commenting visitors of the site found these two links, showing how it is used:
Link 1
Link 2
EDIT: Walla! News, the item stealing network, published their take on this device.
Internet Traffic Cop
Sometimes when I have an idea I dismiss it thinking no one will ever buy the product. But then comes along a device called Internet Traffic Cop and makes me think my idea isn’t that bad after all. I mean if someone will buy a device which basically disconnects your computer from the Internet by pushing a button for $50, then I can sell pretty much anything.
(via Gizmodo)
Google Search Languages
Google search comes in many languages. Some of the choices in the language page are pretty funny, like Bork, Klingon, Pig Latin and my personal favorites, Elmer Fudd (“I’m Feewing Wucky”) and Hacker.
Cool Shirt
I know there are many cool shirts, but here’s one that would actually be useful. It’s a “No. I will not fix your computer” shirt.