This guy has the answer.
Another Funny Ad Video
As I am very busy working and have very little time to put some actual content in this blog, so for now here’s another funny ad video. Expect more videos in the near future.
Funny Ad Video
Let’s see if you can guess what this ad is for before it reaches the end.
Happy End Toilet Paper
Farting Preacher Videos
This list of videos is a little bit of low humor, but it’s funny:
Farting Preacher #2 (this one I think is the funniest)
Farting Preacher #3
Farting Preacher #4
Farting Preacher #5
Japan: Buy bubble wrap just for fun
Almost everyone has had the chance to enjoy popping bubble wrap bubbles when getting a new product wrapped in it.
In Japan, however, you can actually buy “toy” bubble wrap, which is only meant to be popped for fun. Strange, but true.
(via Gizmodo)
Why Macs Really Suck Video
It’s an old video, but it’s still funny. Enjoy.
Soundbike: Today’s stupid gadget for bicycles
This gadget is for bicycle riders. You mount it on your bike and the more you pedal, the more it makes laughing sounds. I’m sure it’s a funny thing, but will you buy it?
(via Engadget)
Russell Peters in New York Video
I know I’m posting a lot of videos, but it’s my blog so deal with it. This time, a one hour long video of stand up comedy by Russell Peters. If you’re not going to watch all of it, then I recommend starting at 31:15 for around 10 minutes.
The Toilet Paper RSS Reader
RSS is a way to consume news from different websites. I use RSS to manage my daily readings of technology, news and blogs. However, even though I do read in the restroom, when I go there I can’t take my RSS updates with me.
That’s why they created the RSStroom Reader, which actually prints your RSS feeds on toilet paper. I wouldn’t buy one of these, but I think it’s pretty cool.
(via Engadget)