Today’s link-a-palooza

Today’s link-a-palooza

Today’s link-a-palooza

Today’s link-a-palooza

Today’s link-a-palooza

Multi-Touch Interface Video

There has been a lot of hype lately regarding multi-touch user interfaces, which are the natural advancement of touch-screens: they react to multiple touches at once instead of just reacting to a single touch point.

I admit that when I first heard about multi-touch user interfaces I didn’t think it was a big deal until I saw this video demonstrating what you can do with such an interface.

The Pee Tree, The Urinal Game and MAPSU

Men are such beasts… they think it’s soooo hard to pee sitting down that they actually create new ways to manage to pee standing up. This time a so-called “gadget”… I give you The Pee Tree, a public urinal shaped like a tree.

Immediately I wondered what MAPSU will have to say about this preposterous new invention. I mean – what if someone misses the tree trunk?

The second thought that occurred to me was that such a urinal kind of takes out the fun out of The Urinal Game, so they better not actually produce fake trees like that.

Anyway, what if you’re peeing on this tree and a dog comes along and wants to do the same, only he’s not so much aware to the direction and stream of its own urine as much as you are?

(via Gizmodo)