The fuss news networks sometimes make out of nothing. So funny. I can see parents who watched this news item go to their kids asking them “Do you speak 1-3-3-7? Huh? Don’t you LOL at me!!”. (via Digg)
10 Reasons To Never Look For A Job
In times like these, when I have so much work that I can’t even update my blog with a small bit like this one (yesterday I skipped a posting, which made me a little upset and one reader anxious about me. Thanks, Doron, for noticing and caring) I look at these 10 reasons to never look for a job and give a long sigh. Then I get back to work :-S (via Lifehacker)
Flying Alarm Clock – If Only There Was A Point To The Flying
I’ve written about a concept flying alarm clock before (link to earlier post). There’s a lot of innovation in the wake-you-up territory and this time someone decided to make the flying alarm clock a reality. Unlike the concept clock, this one starts flying around and makes an annoying noise until you catch it and make it stop. I wonder what happens if it decides to stick to the ceiling. Maybe it should have stayed a concept.
אני מחפש מתנדבים לניסוי
במהלך הניסוי המתנדבים יבואו בנעלי הקרוקס שלהם לקניון אם הדרך בצומת ינאי, שם הם יעלו על המדרגות הנעות. לפני כן כל אחד יחתום על טופס ויתור לפיו לא אני אחראי לנזק שעלול להיגרם לנעליים. הנהלת הקניון כבר מכוסה:
מתנדבים ללא נעלי קרוקס גם כן מוזמנים, שכן חנות “ריקושט” נמצאת בקומה השניה וניתן לרכוש שם זוג חדש אותו מיד נבחן במדרגות הנעות. לצורך הדגמה, כך ייערך הניסוי:
דבר משעשע נוסף הוא ש”הנהלת הקניון” לא שמה שלט כזה בתחתית המדרגות העולות לקומה השניה, שם (כמו שציינתי) ניתן לקנות זוג חדש.
Ultimate Geekness
Do this at your own risk: in the command line enter this command:
It might take a while until it starts, but it’s worth the wait. Just leave the windows open and see if it started already. (via Digg)
More Weird Gadgets
This time, a list of 12 USB accessories you must have. Now I can finally get my noodles strained right at my heated seat without getting up. (via Digg)
Vibrating Soap… Yes, Soap That Vibrates
It’s like stupid gadgets season or something. I guess it’s just because of the upcoming Christmas. Today we have an automatic vibrating soap. This item goes to position 1,653,208 in my must-absolutely-have list, right after BananaGuard.
No wonder Windows Vista took so long…
…the sounds alone took 18 months to create. I am not making this up. You can read about it in
You can listen to them here. Also, check out the comments in the Slashdot article. They’re hilarious, e.g. “That’s a bit like a car manufacturer worrying about the color of the seats while the breaks are still leaking.” (via Slashdot)
It only took 16,777,216 comments…
to break down Slashdot. Actually, they were semi-prepared for this, only made a small mistake which caused a 3-hour outage. (via Digg)