The Prodigy Release “Their Law” + New Website Design

The Prodigy released today “Their Law” – their “best of” CD and singles DVD. Here are some links to Amazon, to make it easier for you to order the goods:

  • One CD version (just the singles)
  • Two CDs limited edition version, which includes 2 new tracks, b-sides and live tracks. This is actually what I’m waiting to listen to most.
  • The DVD

I already ordered my copies of the limited edition CDs and the DVD. How about you?

Also, The Prodigy’s website has been updated with a new design, great artwork and some new cool loops in the background.


Top 10 AJAX Applications

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is the name for a relatively new breed of web applications, which behave more like computer-installed applications. The most well known examples are GMail and Google Maps, but now there are many more.

A Venture Forth came up with a top 10 list of AJAX applications (EDIT: a follow-up article has been posted, too). Some of the examples are really cool. I especially liked the Kiko calendar (try the demo if you’re not interested in registering).

(via Download Squad)

SMS Kettle

So you’re sitting in the living room dying for a coffee cup, but you just don’t feel like getting up right now. That’s why they created the SMS Kettle (via Gizmodo). You send a text message to the kettle, and it starts boiling the water.

This reminds me of the world’s most useless remote control button: the eject button (in modern CD/DVD players – open/close button). You still need to get up and put the DVD in its box. This is very much like it. I mean – can you be sure that the kettle has water in it when you send the SMS, or will you just have to get up and check?