Turns out Israel is using technologically advanced ways to “to wage a psychological war in Lebanon”, says this article by the Australian Herald Sun. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- The weirdest Palm OS programs – a pretty funny list. (via Download Squad)
- Futurama returns for another season – WOOHOO!!! (via Slashdot)
- The Great Escape – Live role playing game in Madrid. Very high on the cool factor. (via Slashdot)
- Use GMail as a file viewer – good tip.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- IBM will not use Windows Vista, but will move to Linux desktops – I wonder if this is just marketing hype or the real thing. (via Digg)
- Simple ways to make yourself far cleverer – a seven days plan. Let me know if it works :) (via Digg)
- Students create plant that “glows” when thirsty – gene modifying fun. (via Digg)
- Pill Takers Cup – a nice low tech gadget to help you take your pills. (via Gizmodo)
- Top 10 Geek Watches – if you’re into that kind of stuff. (via Gizmodo)
- Practical Tips For Boosting The Performance Of Windows Forms Apps – for .NET developers.
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Microsoft backs down – from the declaration that in 6 months it will have a search engine better than Google’s.
- Silicon Valley Software Engineers Fight Club – CBS video. I cannot believe it myself. (via Digg)
- The Best Accidental Discoveries – nice and short article. (via Digg)
- The things Google may ask you – if you’re interviewing for a job. Puzzling. (via Digg)
Today’s link-a-palooza
- Inject Your Code to a Portable Executable File – an article about code injecting into a Windows executable or library file. Long but interesting.
- Techbargains – a website for bargains in the US.
- Windows Vista won’t get a backdoor – in case you were worried.
- Training toilet paper – to train kids on how much paper they need. (via Gizmodo)
- The Simpsons live action video – of the opening sequence.
Google to create an Internet alternative?
For a while now it has been known that Google is buying “dark fibre”, fibre optics cables which have never been connected because of the tech industry’s downturn of year 2000. There have been many speculations regarding the reason Google is doing this. The picture is starting to clear up as Google is apparently trying to create an alternative Internet.
This reminded me that Microsoft once tried to create an alternative internet. This network was called MSN, and was different from the MSN that we know today. If you wanted to connect to MSN you had to use your dialup modem to call a different network that was not the Internet. Needless to say, this attempt failed.
Now that Google is losing its shine in the eyes of the public (privacy concerns, products which failed to impress like Google Video) it will be interesting to see if they can really attract a critical mass of users to an alternate internet.
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Apple’s share price closed at $80.86
Yesterday Apple’s share price closed at $80.86 and the company unveiled its first Intel processor-based computers at Macworld. If you don’t get it, this blog entry from CNET will explain.
(Warning: geek joke)
(via Techdirt)
Google Video takes it up a notch
Google has recently announced that its video service, Google Video, is going to become an online video store service. It’s a service in the sense that video content publishers, e.g. TV networks, will be able to put video content (TV shows) in Google Video and let users download it free or for a price.
To enable the miscellaneous pricing schemes (like allowing a person to watch a video only a certain number of times) Google Video will use their own Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology. DRM has been a controversial issue ever since it was introduced, as it touches the delicate issue of online privacy. So Google is already taking the heat for that, even before launching the video online store.
Personally, I want to see if and how Google will change the video and TV world. Although I do care about privacy issues, changes in the current TV viewing model are long overdue.
…and it only took 11 years to develop
Pretty much all of us, when we were kids, played with one of the world’s most popular toys – soap bubbles. For the past 11 years many things happened in the world, but also one important invention was created. Behold the Color Bubbles! (A Popular Science exclusive.)
(via Slashdot)