Deluge “Disillusioned”

Not too long ago I got a new music making device called the Synthstrom Deluge. It’s a professional portable synthesizer, sampler and sequencer. Or, as I’ve seen it described, it’s a groovebox.

My first track with the Deluge is very basic in the sense that I only used sounds from the internal (and vast) library of sounds. Also, I almost didn’t tweak any sound and just used most of them as is. I think it came out OK.

The Prodigy – We Live Forever

The fourth single from The Prodigy’s upcoming album, No Tourists, is out. It’s called “We Live Forever” and it’s a fresh, fast-paced rave tune that takes you back to the 90s dance days with a modern Prodigy twist.

The new album is out Novemeber 2nd.

PO-33 “Sambe”

For this one I used:

  • Samba percussion from here
  • Samba whistle from here
  • Cavaquinho sample from here

Additionally, for the first time, I used effects as part of the final recording. Specifically, I used the unison effects on the PO-33. I think they gave a nice twist to the music.
It took me very long to get this together. It’s not that there was a specific difficulty. I just had a block and wasn’t happy with whatever I was doing. The final result, however, I find quite pleasing :)

PO-33 “Slowfast”

I was somewhat lazy with this one because I used the same patch as I did for my previous track, “Nordic Moon”. In addition, I used a sample of the “Dominator” sound from the online preview of the Heisenberg synthesizer.

It’s a relatively slow track (at least it starts slow), which I wanted to do after listening to G Jones – In Your Head. A very cool and hard-hitting “bass movement” track. So you can say it’s an inspiration :)