Cockroach Adoption is one of those websites that really make you wonder why. Why would anyone create a website like that? Anyway, if you want to give your loved one a great gift, adopt an online cockroach for him/her. It will sure make them happy.
The “I’m A PC” Guy Explains Net Neutrality
If you don’t know what the “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ad campaign is, you should watch this video, which is just an example. Following the campaign came many many parody videos. And now, John Hodgman, the “I’m a PC” guy, explains an important issue called Net Neutrality. You can read more about Net Neutrality in this Wikipedia article. (via Digg)
Some Funny Videos
Still not having much time to browse for good stuff or write anything meaningful, here are two funny videos:
- Spiders on drugs
- Demetri Martin standup comedy: 1, 2, 3
Enjoy. (via Digg)
SNL iPhone Parody Video
I still think the iPhone is great, but this Saturday Night Live parody on Steve Jobs is too funny to skip. But you need to watch Steve Jobs’ iPhone introduction on the Apple website (link to the keynote video) to get it.
Accurate Shots Videos
Are accurate shots the next online-driven sport? Not really, but they are still fun to watch:
- Accurate ping pong shots videos: 1, 2.
- Accurate garbage can shots video.
Whose Line Is It Anyway With Richard Simmons Video
I used to love the show “Whose Line Is It Anyway” (show page on Unfortunately, it’s not aired any more (except for some un-aired episodes). Luckily, some videos of the show are online, and here are few of the funnier minutes (if not the funniest ever) of the show.
Darwin Awards 2006
Darwin Awards (main website link) is a website dedicated to people who got themselves killed in very creative (and stupid) ways. Every year the top picks of the previous year are advertised. For example, check out Darwin Awards 2006. (via Digg)
Some Funny Videos
Here are some funny videos. After all, it is Thursday, which means the weekend is only a few hours away. So it better start with a good mood:
- Old but still funny Kyocera ads: 1, 2, 3.
- Rob Paravonian’s Pachelbel Rant.
- Harry Enfield’s Women, know your limits – now this is just for laughs. I do not support the notion of women knowing their limits. OK, this didn’t come out right.
- Clips from Craig Ferguson’s Late Late Show: 1, 2. I love this guy from his days in the Drew Carey Show.
Clocky, The Hiding Alarm Clock, Is Actually A Product Now
What was a concept before (previous post link) is now actually a product: Clocky, the clock that hides once you hit the snooze button, so you’ll have to find it in order to stop it screaming. Luckily, I don’t have trouble waking up once the radio softly turns itself on in the morning. (via Digg)
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