The fuss news networks sometimes make out of nothing. So funny. I can see parents who watched this news item go to their kids asking them “Do you speak 1-3-3-7? Huh? Don’t you LOL at me!!”. (via Digg)
10 Reasons To Never Look For A Job
In times like these, when I have so much work that I can’t even update my blog with a small bit like this one (yesterday I skipped a posting, which made me a little upset and one reader anxious about me. Thanks, Doron, for noticing and caring) I look at these 10 reasons to never look for a job and give a long sigh. Then I get back to work :-S (via Lifehacker)
Flying Alarm Clock – If Only There Was A Point To The Flying
I’ve written about a concept flying alarm clock before (link to earlier post). There’s a lot of innovation in the wake-you-up territory and this time someone decided to make the flying alarm clock a reality. Unlike the concept clock, this one starts flying around and makes an annoying noise until you catch it and make it stop. I wonder what happens if it decides to stick to the ceiling. Maybe it should have stayed a concept.
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Ultimate Geekness
Do this at your own risk: in the command line enter this command:
It might take a while until it starts, but it’s worth the wait. Just leave the windows open and see if it started already. (via Digg)
More Weird Gadgets
This time, a list of 12 USB accessories you must have. Now I can finally get my noodles strained right at my heated seat without getting up. (via Digg)
Vibrating Soap… Yes, Soap That Vibrates
It’s like stupid gadgets season or something. I guess it’s just because of the upcoming Christmas. Today we have an automatic vibrating soap. This item goes to position 1,653,208 in my must-absolutely-have list, right after BananaGuard.
No wonder Windows Vista took so long…
…the sounds alone took 18 months to create. I am not making this up. You can read about it in
You can listen to them here. Also, check out the comments in the Slashdot article. They’re hilarious, e.g. “That’s a bit like a car manufacturer worrying about the color of the seats while the breaks are still leaking.” (via Slashdot)
It only took 16,777,216 comments…
to break down Slashdot. Actually, they were semi-prepared for this, only made a small mistake which caused a 3-hour outage. (via Digg)