How To Sleep More Effectively

Since I started working out, I had to regulate my sleep more. I do my workouts in the morning, and workouts are extremely exhausting if I don’t get a good night sleep. I currently sleep 7 to 8 hours every night. During weekdays I get up at 5:15am, so this means I’m usually asleep by 10pm. I believe working out and sleeping right are two main reasons why I haven’t been sick for a long time. This includes times when a lot of people around me were getting sick.

Reading this article about how to sleep more effectively made me realize I was at least doing one thing right.

Drawing With…. HTML?

I previously wrote about drawing with Microsoft Paint, a painstakingly slow yet apparently skillful way of drawing images. Now comes a new craze for people who have a lot of drawing talent, a little HTML knowledge and way, way, way too much free time on their hands. I’m talking about drawing using HTML tables. Check out this time-lapsed video as an example.

So this guy sees the video and quickly produces a tool to convert any image to HTML, just for the fun of it. There is no current practical use to this tool, unless you’re writing to a website that doesn’t allow images but allows tables (some forums come to mind). Maybe this will be the next cool thing for geek kids who want to show off their amazing skills of using another website to produce images. (via Digg)

CPU-Z – CPU Information For Windows

CPU-Z is a little application for Windows to let you get information about your computer’s CPU. Usually I recommend buyers of new PCs to use this software in order to make sure the CPU they got is what they paid for.

LOLCODE – The Language That Wasn’t Really Supposed To Be

The author of LOLCODE didn’t intend for the language to become a real language so fast, but in a matter of weeks it now has over 10 implementations.

But what’s so special about LOLCODE? Here’s a typical code sample, which prints a file to the screen:


I think it’s hilarious. Check out the contributions to the language for more funny examples.

Petting And Me

Scott Adams, who I wrote about in the past, wrote a short post about petting and what it says about you. It shows how much insight this man has, because I think he is entirely correct about his observation. Anyway, he was right about me: I’m petting-type 1 – when I pet Ace I try to make it as enjoyable as possible for her according to the amount of purring sound she makes. The character Scott correlates with type 1 petters pretty much matches mine.