The Trip – Day 70 – Cardiff, First Prodigy Show

It was Katz’s birthday and a beautiful day. Katz wanted to row a boat and trying to find a place where we can do that we went straight to Cardiff Bay, which seemed like the obvious choice for that. Cardiff Bay is a very beautiful bay area so we stayed there for a while but there were no rowing boats there. Following instructions we went to Roath Lake where there are boats to row. Roath Lake is a very beautiful park area which has a pretty big lake with a lot of ducks, seagulls and swans. However, we experienced more disappointment when we learned they won’t be letting anyone row until Friday. So we just walked around the lake and went back to the hotel.

The Prodigy’s show is right across the street from our hotel (see pictures below) so we went to the Cardiff International Arena to take a look before even the doors were opened. Some kids were already camping outside the arena, The Prodigy’s tour bus (a Four Seasons bus, apparently) was outside parking and the sound check was in progress inside. We could hear the bass and the outside facing windows were vibrating. I got very excited just seeing that.

Later we went to the show. Let me just start by saying that whoever told me I’m crazy for getting tickets to four shows that are “the same” was very wrong. I’m sorry I didn’t get tickets to all 11 shows. It was crazy. Crazy and amazing. I had fun just dancing at first but when Liam (Howlett, the prodigy behind The Prodigy) dropped Poison I went berzerk. And I stayed that way for the entire show, more or less (I’m not so young anymore so I had to stop for breathing here and there.) Katz loved it as well and is now considering joining me for the next show in Birmingham on the 9th. One thing we learned is that while standing in the back gives you space, the sound is better a but forward. I’m definitely going to do that in the next shows.

If you’ve never been to a Prodigy show, you have no idea what you’re missing. Good night.

The Trip – Day 69 – Kexbrough to Cardiff

The ride to Cardiff was OK, except for two delays of the bus service. We got to Cardiff and after looking for a while for our hotel we settled in and went outside. The hotel is located right in the city center, which has castles, parks, river(s) and a very vibrant night life. We experienced the night life by walking the streets and getting into two of the pubs. There are a lot of bachelor parties, called here hen parties (for women) and stag parties (for men.) For the party the participants usually decide on a theme (e.g. supermen, nurses, bunnies) and dress accordingly so it’s pretty colorful on the streets of the city center.

Tomorrow is The Prodigy’s show. The show is right across the street from our hotel. I’m very excited about it, knowing that I’m going to have the best time. It’s also Katz’s birthday tomorrow and per her request we’re going to try and find a place where we can rent a boat and row a little on the river.

The Trip – Day 68 – Last Day In Kexbrough

Everything went according to plan today, meaning that we did absolutely nothing but relaxing in the house and getting ready for our bus ride to Cardiff tomorrow. In the evening I took Katz and our generous friend and host, J.C, out to a nice dinner in a pub in Wakefield, which is a 20 minutes drive away.

So tomorrow I get back on the road again. Just for a 6 hour bus ride, but still. Cardiff, which is the capital of Wales, is supposed to have quite a few tourist attractions and generally be a nice city to visit, so I’m hoping for a good time there as well. And of course there’s my first Prodigy show 2 days from now, which happens to fall on Katz’s birthday. I’m excited about both.

The Trip – Day 67 – Kexbrough

Another sunny day so as planned we went to see Leeds. Leeds is a big city with a lively center (street shows and all) swarming with shoppers. We just walked around there for a few hours, ate and went back home. Yet another good day.

Tomorrow we plan to get ready for our trip to Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, which is on Saturday morning. And absolutely nothing more (so we’re practically just being lazy :)

The Trip – Day 66 – Kexbrough

It was a sunny and perfect day to go walk around Barnsley, where we ran some errands and just hung out. Later on we celebrated the 11th birthday of our host’s son, which was fun as well. And so the day ended. Tomorrow – Leeds.

The Trip – Day 65 – Kexbrough

We went to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park today. This is a national park that spans across 500 acres of parkland and outdoor sculptures galleries. It was a great way to spend the day and we came home tired and content (pictures below.)

No special plans for tomorrow except for a visit to Barnsley, the neighboring town, for some errands.

The Trip – Day 64 – Kexbrough

While it was pretty warm today there was no sun at all so we decided to be lazy and watch movies at home. Later we went to walk outside and played Tag with some kids in the park.

I finally got my Prodigy tickets (see picture below.) Thanks, Udi!! In case you didn’t catch the last time I wrote about it, I’m going to see The Prodigy in four different shows. And yes, this is basically “the same” show four different times although no two shows are the same when it comes to The Prodigy.

Katz will be joining me on the first show in Cardiff on April 5th, which also happens to be her birthday. I still don’t have a partner for the Birmingham show on April 9th – it may be Katz again if she wants, or Mune, the American guy from Tokyo I met early on the trip. Neil will join me to the Brighton show on April 14th and a friend of mine from Israel that lives in London will join me to the Wembley show on April 17th, just before I go back home.

The Trip – Day 63 – Kexbrough

It was a cool sunny day today so we went out to walk in one of the footpaths around here that goes through the fields and ends in a warm and cozy pub called The Cherry Tree on the top of a hill which overlooks the surrounding area. Again we thought we were planning something lazy but ended up walking quite a lot (probably more than 10 km.)

In one week it’s both Katz’s birthday and the first Prodigy concert we’re going to so I’m very excited. I still don’t have the tickets, but they’re on the way (with some luck I’ll get them even tomorrow.)

Here are some new pictures, finally.

The Trip – Day 62 – Kexbrough

After a night sleep of about 11 hours, probably my longest sleep on this trip, Katz and I decided to go to Barnsley, a nearby town, to walk around. It’s a Saturday so a lot of people were out shopping and dining and it was nice to just hang out. We went back home and then decided to go see “Monsters vs. Aliens 3D” in the IMAX in Bradford. The movie was good but it was a bit too much because the ride back was late at night, we were tired from our day and it was very cold (even snowed a little in Bradford.)

I did find a solution to my lack of an Internet connection – I bought a USB dongle that connects me to the Internet through one of the mobile phone companies. I was really feeling lost without access to the Internet and I’m happy that I have it again.

Today was a busy day and I’m very tired again. I know these last two updates weren’t too exciting but I’m really enjoying myself and the time with Katz – it’s just like the good old days :) Good night.