Fortune has a very interesting interview with Bram Cohen, creator of BitTorrent, also including his pretty amazing and inspiring life story.
(via Slashdot)
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Fortune has a very interesting interview with Bram Cohen, creator of BitTorrent, also including his pretty amazing and inspiring life story.
(via Slashdot)
UK Festival Awards is here, and The Prodigy are nominated as best dance act. It’s easy – go to the voting booth, in question 3 pick The Prodigy, and pick “Don’t Answer” (last option) in all the rest of the questions. Then click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
Thank you.
The Prodigy released today “Their Law” – their “best of” CD and singles DVD. Here are some links to Amazon, to make it easier for you to order the goods:
I already ordered my copies of the limited edition CDs and the DVD. How about you?
Also, The Prodigy’s website has been updated with a new design, great artwork and some new cool loops in the background.
I am not making this up. Someone at BT laboratories thinks this is a good idea – implanting an MP3 player inside a woman’s breast. Here’s the story by The Register.
In a recent study it was discovered that Marijuana “could have some benefits when administered regularly in a highly potent form.”
(via Slashdot)
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is the name for a relatively new breed of web applications, which behave more like computer-installed applications. The most well known examples are GMail and Google Maps, but now there are many more.
A Venture Forth came up with a top 10 list of AJAX applications (EDIT: a follow-up article has been posted, too). Some of the examples are really cool. I especially liked the Kiko calendar (try the demo if you’re not interested in registering).
(via Download Squad)
Joel writes a great article on setting priorities in a software project and not working on something one specific customer asked. As he does many times, he includes a little low blow aimed at Microsoft by mentioning the Excel function BAHTTEXT.
It’s the holidays, so I’ll be too busy enjoying myself to update this blog. See you next week.
In his most recent article, usability guru Jakob Nielsen declares the death of WYSIWYG, which will be replaced with a new approach – results-oriented UI. A very interesting read.
So you’re sitting in the living room dying for a coffee cup, but you just don’t feel like getting up right now. That’s why they created the SMS Kettle (via Gizmodo). You send a text message to the kettle, and it starts boiling the water.
This reminds me of the world’s most useless remote control button: the eject button (in modern CD/DVD players – open/close button). You still need to get up and put the DVD in its box. This is very much like it. I mean – can you be sure that the kettle has water in it when you send the SMS, or will you just have to get up and check?