9 Days Without Writing – I Haven’t Noticed

Time seems to go on faster lately – it’s been 9 days since I last wrote on this blog and I haven’t noticed. Even though I mostly don’t have much to say and I usually share links, it’s still important to me to regularly write on the blog.

The thing is that once you share some stuff on a blog, you want the next thing you share to be even better than before. I mean, I still have a lot of stuff I read on the web that’s interesting on a daily basis, but a lot of it comes from the same sources (mostly my RSS feed list) so it would seem like I’m repeating myself a lot – posting links to the same sources again and again.

Anyway, I hope to return to write regularly – even if it doesn’t mean posting daily.

8 Totally Useless Infomercial Products

I used to love infomercials. They were great for endless staring into the TV screen, letting the brainwashing presenters try to force you into buying a stupid product by showing you how great it works when they use it. Sometimes the presenters would let members of the audience use it – always successfully so, which is surprising since I don’t think highly of the people who would go to these presentation voluntarily.

Here’s a great collection of 8 totally useless infomercial products, some of which I’ve never heard of and I’m glad that’s the way it is. (via Digg)

3 years of working out

Today marks three years since I started working out. The 4-days-a-week routine now contains two different aerobic workouts: One is an 25-minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout, followed by a ~12.5kph run for 20 minutes. The other is a steady state 10kph run for 1 hour.

The HIIT workout is always hard, but the difficulty varies – one day I finish it without feeling like I did an extremely difficult effort, and on another day I might find it hard to continue to the weights workout that follows.

The 10km run is never really hard. It’s a little exhausting, being a one hour thing, and sometimes I get some leg pains, but nothing serious. I actually started thinking about trying for a 15km run, just to see what it feels like. I’m worried that it might hurt my knees, though – I’m pushing it far enough as it is.

Over the past year I gained some weight. I’m not very happy about the extra fat (I looked thinner after the first year of my workouts), but I think my body adjusted to the workouts and I was also much more strict about my diet (I still avoid eating junk food, sweets or snacks). That’s the reason I started doing the 10km runs – for diversity of workouts, but even though they don’t seem to help, I like having two different aerobic workouts.

So this is it, three years and counting. Congratulations and praises from all 5 readers are welcome.

The Prodigy New Album MySpace Website and Blog

The Prodigy’s next album (the fifth, not counting Their Law, which was a singles compilation) is in the making and The Prodigy are now updating their MySpace page. The background says “THE SUPREME EXCITEMENT OF OUR TIME” and the picture in it is also cool. Also check out the special remakes and remixes of their songs in the player on that page.

Liam Howlett says the album is on the way, but considering the 7 years wait between albums 3 and 4, it’s understandable if many fans are skeptical. I decided this time that I won’t try to download unofficial new album material because I feel that last time it ruined the “first time listening” experience. I might even try not to listen to new (official) album singles so that the entire album will be new for me. I can’t promise that, though – it might be too tempting :)

Rock Lighter – The Website For Rock Fans

Rock Lighter is one of those websites that make you think “why didn’t I think of that?” Well, not really, but it’s still a funny little website, created for rock fans who are at a concert and in need for a candle/lighter type flame. Don’t forget it for your next Metallica concert (and for when you have a cellphone with a web browser.) (via Download Squad)

Another Car Accident

A few days ago, during the new year’s holiday, I was in a car accident. This time, since all the traffic stopped in front of me, I hit the brakes too late and crashed into the two cars in front of me (the first car saw me coming and tried to get away, but didn’t make it). I thought I hit the cars at high speed, but my air bags didn’t blow up and I didn’t feel like I got thrown forward and backward because of the crash. So maybe it wasn’t too bad. Still, my car wouldn’t start afterwards and I had to get it towed.

The two guys in the car were really cool. I guess they saw I was shocked and confused, so they were extremely forgiving. I’m not sure I would have been as peaceful as they were if someone would have crashed into my car like this. Anyway, no one was hurt so I guess I had a lot of luck in that sense. I’m still driving an alternate car, supplied by the car leasing company.