I’ve decided to leave IBM. After 2 years in Diligent Technologies and over 2.5 years as an IBMer following Diligent’s acquisition, and considering I wasn’t pursuing an IBM career that will last many years to come, it was definitely time for me to go.
I’ll be an IBMer until January 31st, 2011. In Diligent-IBM I worked with many great and smart people. As part of my work on ProtecTIER, Diligent-IBM’s award winning Virtual Tape Library product, I learned a lot about high-performance, high-availability systems programming in Linux. My main contributions were to the cluster version of the product and most recently to ProtecTIER’s OpenStorage (OST) implementation. I believe ProtecTIER is a great product that can bring tremendous value to customers and I’m proud to have been part of its development.
My next step is a joint project with a good friend. A garage start-up of sorts. I can’t say much about it, only that while it’s not the greatest idea in the whole wide world, I think it can be a successful venture. I expect to be unemployed for about a year :)
Wish me luck.