Making Windows XP Faster

Yet another list of Windows XP tweaks has been published, but this time it’s a short, comprehensible list which seems to contain the best advice I’ve seen so far (among the many tweaks out there many have no effect on Windows and sometimes can even make it perform worse).

Last night I tried some of these changes (specifically: A, B, C, F, J and K – some have been set for years) and my Windows XP really works faster! However, after having the same Windows XP installation for over 3 years, I think I’m going to have to re-install it pretty soon. (via Download Squad)

Online Dating Study Published

A study called “Online Dating: When Do You Like Someone Like Yourself?” presents some interesting data, which is summed up in this Tasty Research blog post. I wonder how accurate it is, considering that many people don’t exactly tell the truth about stuff in their online profiles. A link to the study’s PDF is in the blog post, in case you’re interested in reading the entire thing.

I wonder what freakonomics Levitt and Dubner would say if they had this data. (via Slashdot)