Cool video of domino-like coin toppling. (via Digg)
Is that a TV set on your head…
or are you just happy to NOT see me?
Funniest line in the article describing this “gadget”:
We assume the head tracking feature is afforded by the fact that it sits right over your head.
(via Digg)
Dirty Car Art
More cars today… this time Scott Wade, a guy that paints on the dust on the rear window of dirty cars. Pretty cool. (via Digg)
Geeky License Plates
I just love it when geeks go wild, but I would never put a license plate on my car saying “Mr. Geek”. Check it out… geeky license plates. (via Digg)
Linux Crashes Top 10
OK, so that was expected: after the Windows Blue Screen Of Death Top 10 (previous post link), now comes the Linux Crash Top 10 equivalent. I have two observations:
- It’s surprising how many devices are running Linux.
- Imagine you’re on a plane and the screen in front of you goes into kernel panic. Don’t you start praying that the airplane’s computers have a different system? I would.
(via Digg)
Sometimes startups should take the money they’re offered…
… instead of saying “no”, hoping to raise even more money later. Such is the case with the social network Friendster, whose founder was offered $30 million from Google but refused it a few years ago. A very interesting read from The New York Times (free registration required). (via Digg)
Blue Screen of Death Top 10
Most of us have seen the blue screen of death (Wikipedia entry) on our home computer. But have you ever seen it on a scrolling billboard? This list mentions the top 10 sightings of the Blue Screen Of Death.
10 Cool Workplaces
Check out this list of cool workplaces. My favorites are the slide at Red Bull London and the conference bike. The VW plant doesn’t look like anyone is actually doing any work there, right?
Don’t Click It
Do you know these websites that challenge the basic things in our daily lives? Don’t Click It is such a website, which attempts to demonstrate how user interfaces can be implemented with zero mouse clicks (except for the initial click to enter the website). It’s actually a test, and if you look around you’ll find interesting statistics about how much people click the mouse by mistake. (via Download Squad)
How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot in Any Programming Language
I once had a teacher (Dr. Yechiel Kimchi, who taught me so much of what I know today) who said that in C++ it’s harder to shoot yourself in the foot than it is in C, but when you manage to do it – the foot is completely gone.
A funny tutorial was published, which describes how to shoot yourself in the foot in any programming language. If you know a few languages (even superficially) this will make you laugh. (via Digg)