Forgotten Experiences

Yesterday I called a friend of mine who is visiting from the US and is staying at her parents’ place. My mind struggled for 2 seconds before I remembered how to say “may I speak with…” It’s been years since I’ve uttered this request.

And today my father called to tell me about an interesting article he saw and thought I would like to read. I immediately said “email me the link” and he replied “I’m reading it on the hard copy.” Again… took me a few seconds to realize what he was referring to.

4 Replies to “Forgotten Experiences”

  1. Well…He’s annoying with that bad habit of his, isn’t he?
    However “I’ll save the paper until we’ll meet” helps me clear some memory cells.

  2. Yeah… well, luckily I found the article online, as he suggested. So no need for paper saving :)

    I didn’t know you still visit my blog :)

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