Lately, the issue of the subject of this blog came up a lot. I guess the blog isn’t so interesting to everyone as it used to be when it came out. So I would like to answer that question as best as I can:
I set up this weblog so I could write both about myself and about things that interest me. It’s a platform for me to share thoughts, ideas and just about anything that manages to catch my eye. I realize that having a blog without a specific subject goes against the “have a subject for your blog” rule for having a popular blog, but I really don’t care if this blog is popular or not. I do wish people would read it from time to time and I’m pretty sure it’ll find its niche.
Additionally, there is a big limitation to having a weblog with your name on it – you can’t post stuff about other people, as it completely exposes them. I realized this the moment I started blogging. It’s very limiting, as most of the good stories include interactions with other people. Sometimes I think about opening an additional, anonymous blog but that won’t be happening anytime soon.
A friend asked me today: “so where is Amit in all the links and articles?” The answer is that I’m the sum of all that’s been posted. It’s hard for me to explain what this means, but if I post something categorized as “Funny” then it means that I laughed when I saw it. There’s a little bit of me there, as well.
So basicaly you had nothing to post today? ;-))))
Hehe… rainy days, rainy days :)
So where is Amit in all this?